Consider the cost of not having health insurance. If you are involved in an accident on your way to school, or contract a serious illness, you have to pay the hospital bills from your own pocket. The medical costs can lead to an interruption of your study because of economic burden.
Coverage | Plan B | Plan C | Remark | |
Accidental Death | 10,000,000 | 10,000,000 | ||
Disability Resulting From An Accident | 10,000,000 | 10,000,000 | 3%~79% | |
Medical Expenses in Korea (Accident /Sickness) | Hospitalization | 50,000,000 | 50,000,000 | per occurrence |
Outpatient | 250,000 | 250,000 | per day | |
Prescription Medication | 50,000 | 50,000 | per day | |
Death From Illness | 10,000,000 | 30,000,000 | ||
Personal Liability | 10,000,000 | 10,000,000 | per occurrence | |
Medical evacuation/Repatriation | 10,000,000 | 30,000,000 | ||
(Overseas) Inpatient Medical Expensse | 50,000,000 | |||
Special Rider | Chiropractic therapy expenses | 3,500,000 | 3,500,000 | Maximum total benefit per year |
Injection expense | 2,500,000 | 2,500,000 | Maximum total benefit per year | |
MRI scan expenses | 3,000,000 | 3,000,000 | Maximum total benefit per year | |
Premium | Premium depends on the gender and age. It is krw1 50,000~krw 210,000 per year. |
1st day | 2nd day | 3rd day | medication | sum | Indemnification |
15,000 | 15,000 | 15,000 | 10,000 | 55,000 | 17,000 |
7 days hospitalization | Operation | sum | Indemnification |
1,000,000 | 2,000,000 | 3,000,000 | 2,300,000 |
Treatment cost of injured person | Your treatment | sum | Indemnification |
150,000 | 25,000 | 175,000 | 145,000 |